
Argumentative Essay On Child Soldiers

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One of the worlds major humanitarian problems is the use of children as soldiers. Predominantly seen in African countries, the use of these children as soldiers has and will keep changing millions of lives for the worse. Although the term child soldier is new, children have been used in combat throughout history. Notably, the Hitler Youth which were Nazi trained children. The boys were trained for the military and women were prepared for motherhood and the boys were even utilized towards the end of World War Two in battle. There is evidence that child soldiers were recruited for adult military forces as far back as Ancient Greece and likely even before that however there is no recorded evidence of it. In Ancient Greece, Spartan children would begin their military training as early as the age of 7 and spend the majority of their lives in the military. The term "Child Soldier" is a relatively new term developed in the early 1980's. Warlords and rebel leaders quickly discovered that building their armies full of children would bring them success. If you think about it children make the perfect soldiers for these groups. They …show more content…

In an attempt to oust the leader of their country Joseph Kabila, who is a Cold War enthusiast. Multiple rebel groups have risen up to fight the Government. The fight continues to this day between rebel leaders leading teenagers in battle to overthrow the corrupt Government. Although child soldiers are present in military groups all over the world, the ones from Africa are a unique circumstance. While other groups from all over the globe will make excuses for having children in their ranks such as religion, freedom, or nationalistic causes, African soldiers fight for blood and to commit crimes on behalf of their warlord or leader. Many groups seek only wealth and drugs and have little desire for political power. It is one big war driven by crime and it has swept across a continent.

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