
Arguement For Animal Cruelty

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A. Research Proposal Topic Animal Cruelty Narrowed Topic Issue The violence against animals Issue Animals are being tortured and used for the wrong reasons Research How does animal cruelty affect animals and our society? Hypothesis Animal cruelty affects animals and it is caused by people with aggression. B. Annotated Bibliography First Entry Ascione, Frank R. and Kenneth Shapiro. "People and Animals, Kindness and Cruelty: Research Directions and Policy Implications." Journal of Social Issues, vol. 65, no. 3, Sept. 2009, pp. 569-587. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.2009.01614.x. This article, Ascoine and Shapiro address the challenges of defining and assessing animal abuse, the relation between animal abuse and childhood mental health, the extensive research on animal abuse and intimate partner violence, and the implication of these …show more content…

"Interpersonal violence and animals: mandated cross-sector reporting." Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, vol. 34, no. 3, 2007, p. 147+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, ?u=pasa19871&xi=7a93ee22. Accessed 9 May 2017. In this article, Long examines the virtues and limitations of creating statutory authority requiring professionals to report substantiated abuse, neglect, and cruelty across service delivery systems. The author agrees that animals that are being abused should have the same protection services as humans. Long writes for Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare a publication focused on animal violence and interpersonal violence. He presents himself as an practitioner of social work. This article relates some of my other sources, which claims that animal cruelty is one way of relating to home

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