
Apush Dbq

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1. Identify the federal government’s major challenges in reconstructing the South after the Civil War during the period from 1865 to 1877. As they were needing to restructure the South after the Civil War, there were a lot of questions that came into play. As the new state governments were in the processed of being reshaped in the South, the question remained as far as the seceded states and if they were now conquered territories. In fact, in this actually occurred, then the Constitution is in control of assigning Congress the rights to re-shape their state governments. There were also questions regarding slaves and what would be the political, social, and economic status of them. They would have to come up with some type of idea as to if the slaves were going to be considered citizens or if they were not able to be called American citizens, what would the status of the slaves be in America? 2. Describe how and why Reconstruction policies changes over time. Abraham Lincoln and his Vice President, Andrew Jackson, who took over once he was killed, were only concerned with making sure that the plan for Reconstruction happened quick and easy going. When Congress ended up creating the Freedmen’s Bureau, this …show more content…

Once the civil war came to an end, of course this ended slavery and provided African Americans freedom, but it didn’t provide them security or equality. African Americans had to still be dependent on the white man for things that they weren’t able to just provide to themselves. At first, the states were supposed to be providing and protection the rights of individuals. But, by being able to have these amendments, they provide political equality and equal treatment for all American’s within the United States regardless of their

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