
Apush Chapter 1 Summary

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Brigham Young - predecessor of the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Joseph Smith; lead the pioneers across America and landed in Salt Lake City, Utah; church was founded in 1830 Charles Darwin - traveled to Galapagos islands to study the Theory of Evolution that states that states that organisms adapt over time due to their environment Mark Twain - author of many satirical books that criticize society, especially slavery Susan B. Anthony - played a crucial role in women’s rights and suffrage movement Sharecropping - landowners allow farmers to use and farm their land in return for part of the money that they sell for their crops NAACP - The National Associate for the Advancement of Colored People; civil rights organization that helps bring …show more content…

Social Gospel Movement - protestant ministers responded to the hands off business economics and the Social darwinism policies; believed that poverty and poor conditions created crime so that he could demand better housing and living conditions for his people; led by Washington Gladden William Jennings Bryan - nomination for Populist Party; gave “Cross of Gold” speech which advocated for the unrestricted use of gold and silver as currency in the economy “Yellow Journalism” - create fake or exaggerated news in order to incite sympathy/ also serves the political purpose; example: Hearst and Pulitzer creating fake Cuban independence movement (said that the Spanish were killing and torturing innocent Cubans) Teller Amendment - states that the nation of Cuba would be an independent nation and would not come in to the hands of the US after the Spanish-American war Annexation of Hawaii - businessmen cut deals with King Kalakaua to bring in tariff free goods in exchange for building a naval base (called Pearl Harbor) on their land; also forced them to sign a US constitution; Queen Liliuokalani replaces him with anti-war ideals; US backed revolt takes out Queen; leads to annexation of Hawaii w/o island’s

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