
Ap Psychology Module 1-1 Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Modules 1-3
Module 1: Psychology's History
1-1 Prescientific Psychology Early philosophers had questions similar to ours today
Plato and Socrates thought that the mind and body were separate and that mind keeps going after the body dies, later Rene Descartes agreed and did experiments to prove it
Francis Bacon from Britain was also interested in the mind and did experiments
John Locke said that when we are born our mind is empty This helped form empiricism which says that what we know comes from experience and that observing and experimenting enable scientific knowledge
1-2 Psychological Science is Born
1879- Wilhelm Wundt was working on a machine testing how much time it takes people from when they hear a sound to when they press a button …show more content…

Descartes agreed with Aristotle which became the more popular opinion
Charles Darwin: Natural Selection
Nature selects the traits best for a certain environment and reproduces
Applies to both structures and behaviors
2-2 Psychology's Three Main Levels of Analysis
Since there are different systems there are also different levels of analysis
Lots of research forms an put together biopsychosocial approach which realizes the biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors
Each level stresses something else and they are each a new perspective
The different perspectives
Behavioral- What event makes someone act the way they do
Biological- Study brain circuits or how our inherited traits affect our temper
Cognitive- How our view of the problem affects our temper
Evolutionary- How anger was important in our survival from our ancestors
Humanistic- How angry feelings affect a person's growth potential
Psychodynamic- Would see a tantrum as a form of unconscious hostility
Social-cultural- How the social contexts affect anger
2-3 Psychology’s Subfields
Different kinds of researchers including
Psychometrics: A branch of psychology measuring our abilities, traits, and attitudes
Basic research: Helps build psychologist's base …show more content…

Can work in a place such as a school or even research at a zoo- it depends
Psychometric and quantitative psychologists- Study how we learn and how we test. May work at a college testing company, research company, or for the government
Social psychologists- Study how we interact with others, how we influence people, and how people influence us
Applied research subfields
Forensic psychologists- Use their knowledge to help with law enforcement, lawyers, consult the jury, and more. They are clinical psychologists but may have also studied law
Health psychologists- Help people stop smoking, lose weight, improve sleep, stop pain, not spread std’s and more while promoting a healthy lifestyle
Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychologists- Study how people’s work environments affect them. Can help workers improve efficiency
Neuropsychologists- Work with people with diseases and and find out how the brain’s activity affects your behavior
Rehabilitation psychologists- Work with people who don’t fully function as they used to
School psychologists- Help kids with many different types of problems in school
Sport psychologists- Study what influences sports participation. Can help athletes reach their potential
The helping

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