
Ap Biology Unit 5 Exercise 1

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1) The broad- spectrum antibiotic kills any and all types of bacteria within the body. Since bacteria in the large intestine is being killed, there will be a reduction in vitamin K that is being released inside the body. Since vitamin K is important in the formation of prothrombin, with the reduction of vitamin K it will reduce prothrombin in the blood which makes it harder for the blood to clot. This will result in more of epistaxis (nose bleed). 2) He has the blood condition called pernicious anemia which is caused by not having the factor for B12 absorption. B12 is injected instead of taking it orally because his body cannot absorb the B12 naturally. 3) First he had tachycardia which is when the heart rate is abnormally high. Because of the tachycardia, there is less time for the heart to pump blood to the other parts of the body. Since not enough blood is going to the heart, body and the brain, he lost consciousness. 4) …show more content…

Since it relaxes the muscle there is less blood going into the heart by a lesser force of contraction. It helps prevent people from getting heart problems like arrhythmia and blood pressure. 5) By using the formula Cardiac Output (CO)= Heart Rate (HR) x Stroke Volume (SV) a. Person 1: 75 (HR) x 65 (SV) = 4875 ml per minute cardiac output b. Person 2: 90 (HR) x 95 (SV) = 8550 ml per minute cardiac output Person 1 has longer ventricular filling time because they have a lower heart rate which causes the ventricles to take longer to fill up with blood. Venous return is the amount of blood returning to the heart. Since person 2 has a greater stroke volume, Person 2 has the greater venous

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