
Antigone Pride Quotes

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Antigone is the tragic hero of Sophocles’ Antigone because of her fierce, stubborn devotion to her family, her overconfident attitude towards herself displaying hubris, and her tragic downfall which leads her to her fate, death. Antigone is always loyal to her brother and her family, putting his needs before hers with her stubborn attitude. In the greek tragedy, Antigones loved brothers, Polyneices and Etheocles, die in battle. Creon, the new king of Thebes, declares that Eteocles can be buried while Polyneices can not. Because of this, Antigone decides she wants to go against Creon and bury Polyneices so that his soul can be at rest. On the other hand, Ismene, Polynices sister, does not want anything to do with going …show more content…

She wants everyone to know what she did and why she did it because she does not see any shame in burying her brother. Antigone states, “I assert that I did it; I do not deny it” (Ant. 452). She is showing us that she does not want people to think differently than the fact that she did it. She wants to take all blame, she wants all fingers pointed at her. Antigone asks for help from Ismene, but when her sister lets her down she is still all in to burying Polyneices, with or without her help. Antigone says to her sister,“Use that excuse, if you like, but I indeed will go and heap a tomb for my dearest brother” (Ant. 81-82). After being let down, she is still confident in her decision to break Creons rule. She refuses to be found disowning her family, and the gods themselves. Antigone says, “I’ll bury my brother--your brother, too though you refuse! I’ll not be found a traitor” (Ant. 47-48). She wants Ismene to help, but she feels she can do it on her own even if she wont. Antigone states, “I will lie dear to him, with one dear to me, a holy outlaw, since I must please those below a longer time than people here, for I shall lie there forever. You, though, dishonor the gods’ commands, if you wish...” (Ant. 74-77). Antigone is showing confidence and demonstrating hubris. She understands she does not need anyones help to do what she was set out to do, bury her beloved brother and ignore Creons

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