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Ancient Greece and Modern America: Festivals of Fools Ismene once argued with her sister, “If in defiance of the law we cross a monarch 's will?--weak women, think of that, not framed by nature to contend with men” (Sophocles 49-68). Ismene did not realize then that she was speaking with of one of the greatest heroines and monarchs of modern feminism in all of literature. If any woman today dared utter the words above, they would face immediate contention from the herd of strong-willed females belonging to the 21st century. In Antigone, we see Antigone press forward with conviction in pursuit of justice and truth. She is met with great opposition, largely due to her gender. In the past 2500 years, society has evolved in monumental ways. …show more content…

A snaffle curbs the fieriest steed, and he who in subjection lives must needs be meek. But this proud girl, in insolence well-schooled, first overstepped the established law, and then-- A second and worse act of insolence-- She boasts and glories in her wickedness. Now if she thus can flout authority unpunished, I am woman, she the man. But though she be my sister 's child or nearer of kin than all who worship at my hearth, nor she nor yet her sister shall escape the utmost penalty, for both I hold, as arch-conspirators, of equal guilt. Bring forth the older; even now I saw her within the palace, frenzied and distraught. The workings of the mind discover oft dark deeds in darkness schemed, before the act. More hateful still the miscreant who seeks when caught, to make a virtue of a crime” (Sophocles 474-496). Creon voices his opinions on Antigone and her actions with great detail and passion, yet he bases a majority of those opinions on her gender. He makes it a point that men are the rulers of the spineless, controlled women. Antigone also voices her own thoughts on the situation saying to Creon, “And if my present actions strike you as foolish, let 's just say I 've been accused of folly by a fool” (Sophocles 665). For a women to speak of a man, in particular the ruler of Thebes in this manner was unheard of. Antigone is

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