
Animal Testing On Animals

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Should we be testing on animals? This topic is important because there is a lot of debate around it. Some people say it's cruel and inhumane, and that animals have rights too. On the other hand, there are people who say it has a positive outcome because we have discovered new ways to cure fatal diseases and improve our medicines. Currently, people still use animals for medical and cosmetics testing. About 26 million animals are used for testing each year. Animal testing has been going on since about the 1850s, although the treatment of animals has greatly improved throughout the years. People still disagree about whether or not it is ethical. Some of the ways that animals are being used less for testing include: the use of computer programs to see if products can be used on humans, as well as people donating their own skin to be tested on. I think this topic is important because I care about the issue and people still have many strong emotions about it. I have also always wondered how animal testing happens and why people do it. Do animals have rights? Some people say “If an individual is a member of a species that lacks the capacity of free moral judgement, then he or she does not have moral rights. All non-human animal species lack the capacity for free moral judgement. Therefore, non-human animals do not have rights.” The U.S. law allows animals to be burnt, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs, and even brain damaged. On top of this,

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