
Andrew Crowe Monologue

Satisfactory Essays

Inspector Male, I just wanted to reach out and let you know the amazing efforts of Andrew Crowe and Greg MacArthur on Monday December 28th. Sorry for the long winded e-mail but I think it’s necessary.

Background: Sue Visser contacted me several months ago and purchased several #K9HERO pups. She then went around to 50 different landmarks in Guelph and took photos with #K9HRERO to help promote our “Where is #K9HERO now” Twitter Social Media Campaign. She then brought me a thumb drive with the 50 pics for us to use. As we chatted she told me about Rohan, a 7 years old boy she knew and that one of the dogs she bought was going to be a gift when she went to Sick Kids the next day where he is being treated for leukemia. At that time he was very sick and had been hospitalized for a longtime. Sue told me Rohan’s dream was to grow up and be a race car driver or K9 officer.

A few days later she came back to the station to personally tell me how much Rohan enjoyed the #K9HERO. She told me that they hoped he’d be released in the next few weeks so that he could come home for a bit. I asked her to let me know when Rohan would be home so that we could try to plan a surprise home visit.

Sue contacted me On December 23rd and advised that Rohan would be home the week of December 28th and asked if it was at all possible to have one of the K9 officers attend the family home on Harvard Road.

I contacted both …show more content…

We stayed at the home for about 30 minutes with Rohan, his brother Milan 5 and their parents and Grandpa.

Below is a thank you e-mail from Sue regarding the day.

Would you be so kind and include this letter and email in both their file indexes.

Sadly, as we were leaving Rohan’s mom advised that his hemoglobin levels had critically dropped and they had to schedule an emergency blood transfusion on the 30th at Sick

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