
Ancient Civilizations Have More Influence In Politics Than Ordinary Citizens

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For centuries, the human population has progressed through the establishment of civilizations; some of the most advanced and notable ancient civilizations thrived on the foundation of a political or social hierarchy, in which a particular group held more power than the other. In Mesopotamia, for example, the king, who was at the top of the ladder, declared laws while slaves worked for the wealthier class. Even today, this hierarchical trend persists; in the United States, members of the judicial, executive, or legislative branch have more influence in politics than ordinary citizens. Within every republic, democracy, monarchy, etc. there will always be a person or group that contains more power than the majority of its citizens. Power can be …show more content…

For instance, the institution of slavery in America thrived on ensuring the inferiority of the black race. After barbarically stealing a group of people from their homeland, English colonists forced hundreds of African women, men, and children into inhumane labor in a foreign land. To prevent retaliation and retain the subordination of blacks to whites, laws were created to deprive blacks of opportunities that would allow them to obtain power; furthermore, blacks were prohibited from learning to read or write, marrying a significant other, or simply making decisions without consent from their masters. Aside from political oppression, whites reasserted their dominance over blacks through psychological and social degradation. Slave masters emasculated male slaves by humiliating them publicly, reminding slaves that they were not protected from the harsh hands of oppression. Additionally, beauty standards associated swarthy skin with ugliness, entertainers painted their faces black to mock African-Americans and were applauded for their performance. Systematically denying black people of their own autonomy, allowed white people to corrupt the American government and create a series of socioeconomic issues for black people on years to come, keeping them

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