
Analysis On Key Value Stores Essay

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Analysis on Key-Value Stores

We have come into the era of Big Data. As (Atikoglu, Xu, Frachtenberg, Jiang, & Paleczny, 2012) stated, the need for efficiently storing large-scale data in scale-out companies at lower cost is dramatically increasing. Therefore Key-Value Store has occurred in popularity. (Fitzpatrick, 2004) has clarified that KV stores plays an essential role in lots of huge websites such as Facebook, Twitter, GitHub and Amazon. This paper reviewed 6 popular key-value stores and distinguished primary features, performance and availability of each. The six systems are Hyperdex, Dynamo, SILT, Project-Voldemort used by LinkedIn, Berkeley DB and LevelDB used by Google.

A key-value store database has a set of keys and values, and each value is associated with a key. The implementation of key-value store database is actually a distributed hash table (Stonebraker, 04/2010). Key-Value Stores(KV), which are normally known as a model of NoSQL databases, are widely deployed for data operation and management in purpose of enhancing Internet services due to better scalability, higher efficiency and more availability than existing relational databases systems (Wang, et al., 2014). Because KV stores sacrifice relation model in exchange for fast writing, and they are often featured with simple methods like “put()”,”delete()” and “get()”.

LevelDB is a very lightweight, simple key-value store with limited operational abilities. LevelDB will store data in

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