
Analysis Of Walt Disney 's ' Disney '

Best Essays

Walt Disney
Thesis: Many of us enjoy Disney movies and theme parks, but not many of us know the story and life of Walt Disney himself.

I.Early Life
Dec. 5, 1901, Chicago, Illinois Fourth Child
1. Loved drawing animals 2. Had Siblings 3. Moved Often
C. Teenagehood
2. World War I Red Cross Ambulance Corps
II. Career
Cartoon Classes
Paper Boy
Film Ad Company
Laugh-O-Gram Films, Inc.
Founded Disney Created Movies
Gained Fame
Designed Disneyland
III. Family
Marie Bounds
July 13, 1925 Lewiston, Id
Diane Marie born December 18, 1933
Sharon Mae born December 21, 1936
IV. End of Life Awards
1938 Oscar
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Last Words
Written On Paper
“Kurt Russell”
Lung Cancer
Dec. 15, 1966
65 years old

Ashley Mundt
English 1
Mr. Underhill
14 December 2015
Walt Disney

“When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are anything your heart desires will come to you”(When You Wish Upon A Star Lyrics). Lyrics from a Walt Disney movie Pinocchio, and that 's just what Walt Disney did. Have you ever been to Disneyland or enjoyed a Disney movie? Did you know that one person, with the help of many, thought up and created Disneyland? Walt Disney did just that. He started a studio, created Mickey Mouse and many more cartoons, characters. Later on he created Disneyland. Walt Disney’s

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