
Analysis Of The Matrix Of Domination By Patricia Hill Collins

Decent Essays

The Matrix of Domination is a theory introduced by Patricia Hill Collins. Her theory states that the issues of oppression that relate to race, class and gender are also intertwined with a system of privilege, also known as domination. The Matrix shows that a person can be oppressed in one way but privileged in another. According to Collins, “white feminists routinely point with confidence to their oppression as woman but resist seeing how much their white skin privileges them” (Ferber, Jiminez, O’Rilley Herrera & Samuels, 2009). Collins points out that because domination occurs on many levels; institutional, symbolic and individual everyone in society falls somewhere on the matrix, some on the more privileged side and others on the more oppressed side (Ferber et al., 2009) Institutional oppression focuses on the belief that one social group is superior while another is inferior. It is based on established laws and practices that support the inequality of a particular social group. Taking a page from history, slavery is a …show more content…

As Collins states, “whether we benefit or not, we all live within institutions that reproduce race, class and gender oppression” (Ferber et al., 2009). It’s our personal experiences with each of these types of oppressions that give us insight into our own lives and the roles we play in being both the privileged and the oppressed. As Allen Johnson points out, “privilege is always a problem for people who don’t have it and for people who do, because privilege is always in relation to others. Privilege is always at someone else’s expense and always exacts a cost. Everything that’s done to receive or maintain it – however passive and unconscious – results in suffering and deprivation for someone” (Johnson, 2016). It’s through our individual experience that we come to understand that privilege and oppression go hand in

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