
Analysis Of Ray Bradbury 's ' Fahrenheit 451 '

Decent Essays

Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is a display of how humans are relying more and more on technology for entertainment at the price of their ability for intellectual development. It is a novel about technological dystopia, often compared to other novels such as, George Orwell’s 1984 and Asimov Ender’s Game. Although today’s technology has not quite caught up with Bradbury’s expectations, the threat of having his vision of a dystrophic society is very realistic. He sees a futuristic society in which this submission of thought is highly valued. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury displays a futuristic utopian society where "the people did not read books, enjoy nature, spend time by themselves, think independently, or have meaningful conversations" (Mogen, Pg. 111). Further exploration of this novel will help to locate the past, elevate the present, and imagine the future. Fire is an ever-present concept in Fahrenheit 451. In the society of the dystopian world the fire is a negative force that destroys the houses and banned books of the offender. The name of the book is derived from the temperature at which books burn. The burning books become a metaphor for the anti-intellectual violence of the novel. It eradicates every cultural article in which are books. It is used as a pressure of the government to form the citizens the way the government wants the world constructed. "The core of the novel rests in the readers ability to share Guy 's slow struggle toward consciousness, to move from

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