
Analysis Of Between The World And Me By Ta-Nehisi Coates

Decent Essays

Between the World and Me is a 2015 book written by Howard graduate, Ta-Nehisi Coates. Coates frames the book in the form of a letter to his young son, Satori, who is just 15 years of age at the time that the work is published. Coates’ primary purpose for writing the book is to educate his son on the struggles that come along with being a black being in America. The book was written in the midst of the deaths of black males such as Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and Tamir Rice. It is the lack of appreciation for the African American body that inspires Coates to write this emotional, eye-opening letter to his son and American society. One of the most powerful messages encountered in the book is the importance of valuing yourself as a black being in a predominantly white and racially divided society. Coates explains how despite the fact that this nation has been built on the bones and bloodshed of blacks, the black body has lost almost all …show more content…

While many people view the achievement of the American Dream as the highest form of success, it is really a false reality built on an ongoing history of white supremacy and superiority. “The Dream” is one that is held by the willfully ignorant, those believing themselves to be white, and people who do not wish to reflect on the issues of race and discrimination transpiring in modern day society. As a result, “The Dream” is consequentially detrimental to the African American race. My final takeaway from the book is the idea that race is simply an artificial construct devised to divide the people of the world. The color of a person’s skin does not define their capabilities or who they are as a person. In fact, no true differences exist between white people and people of color. Race simply gives the dominant group in society a sense of superiority and power over the group they seek to

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