
Analysis Of Atticus Finch In Harper Lee's 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

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ATTICUS FINCH Often, courage is not only represented by an individual standing up and speaking, but by one’s ability to sit down and listen. Many characters in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird believe they are courageous by being disrespectful and vulgar; however, Atticus Finch demonstrates real courage by following his own views, and going against the majority. Atticus is humble, rational, and moral, making him one of the few members of Maycomb that make it a better place to live. To start, Atticus is an exceptionally humble man. He never shows off any of his talents until he needs to. His children, Jem and Scout, eventually get to the point where they assume he has none. When Atticus takes the responsibility of shooting a mad dog, Scout …show more content…

An example of this is when he goes to the jail to guard Tom Robinson. Unlike what most people of Maycomb would do, he does not bring any sort of weapon; instead he brings a newspaper, light, and chair. This shows he is willing to talk things out rather than find the resolution to the conflict through violence. Part of his rationalism is derived from the fact that he values education. He is able to predict that if he brings a weapon, he will still be outnumbered and it will only aggravate the mob. Additionally, Atticus is not judgemental. When Scout tells him about a bad experience on her first day of school, Atticus gives her this advice: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view […] until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (39). On several other occasions, Atticus teaches Jem and Scout not to be quick to judge others. When Jem damages Mrs. Dubose’s flowers after Mrs. Dubose says “your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for!” Atticus tells Jem to apologize, despite the fact that she insulted him. Atticus always analyzes life from another person’s point of view, allowing everyone to feel comfortable around

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