
Analysis Of Against Zoos By Dale Jamieson

Decent Essays

Zoos, rehabilitation institutions, and many other environmental centers provide opportunities for the public to witness animals that cannot be seen on a daily basis. Whether to keep animals in captivity is morally hard to decide, especially for me personally. In the essay, “Against Zoos,” by Dale Jamieson, he writes about the positives zoos provide, and then reiterates them; making positives turn into negatives. Jamieson makes statements about humans being superior over animals, and how we should not be thinking that we are better. We tend to take a lead role over other species, because of our “higher intelligence.” That should not mean that we treat wildlife as if they are something lower than us. In more ways than one, we as humans are …show more content…

When people visit public areas, the goal always seems to be: I need a picture, so how close can I get? How do they do that? Food. Enticing wildlife with food is one of the easiest ways to have wildlife come right to you. One problem with feeding wildlife is, they become imprinted that humans always have food to offer. Meaning, they have learned that humans have food and will have easy access to it. Another problem with feeding wildlife is that human food can cause health defects to the animal body. For example, “Angel Wings,” commonly found in ducks, swans, and geese is a deformity in the wings due to the overeating of breads that humans feed them. This affects the structure of the wings and leaves them flightless. Although signs have been posted around parks, that does not stop anyone! It is a hard habit to break for many people. An end to wildlife feed would cause less harm to humans, animals, and to the presumption that we have the upper hand in this world. Almost everyone loves the sight of animals, or at least one in particular. We do not mean to think down on animals or take superiority over them, but it is the truth, it happens. Even though it should not happen, it does. Animals and humans should be equal in rights and superiority. We should also stop treating them as if all animals are pets because in reality, wild is wild. Feeding animals as if they are pets, just to get close to them, is

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