
Alcohol Anonymous Meeting Research Paper

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Alcohol Anonymous Meeting.
Going to the AA (alcohol anonymous) meeting, I was not sure what to expect for this is my first time attending such meeting. I did some research just to have an idea. Walked in saw a group composing of both men and women of different races and age sitting ready to be given the signal to talk about a something most of them don’t have control over. Most have been an alcoholic for over 20 years. The discussion leader introduces a topic with some brief comments and then throws the meeting open. A guy name Pete who is a recovered alcoholics started off by stating his name and began to explain the impact of being an alcoholic has had in his life and his loved ones, the daily struggles he would go through. He talked about times where he would feel like nobody. He went on to describe his first experience about coming to the AA meeting stating that he felt as if he was in the wrong place, with the wrong people, and taking the wrong approach to his drinking problem, but after attending a few meetings with the help of other members, hearing stories of other people he knew he was in the right place. Everyone else saw him as a human being who has an addiction and looking for help. …show more content…

She spoke about feeling better and seeing life in a different way that she did not think was possible. She stated it wasn’t easy but was willing to do whatever it takes. To finish, Andrea wanted to give some words of advice to the other attendees saying that the road to recovery is there you have to take the first step and be willing to follow through and by being here you have already taken this approach. Andrea revealed that she no longer wants to be known as an alcoholic but as someone who is out there helping others. She finishes off with her favorite quote by Mahatma Gandhi “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of

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