
Alan Turing: A Historical Worthies Of Post-War Britain

Decent Essays

Alan Turing is a rare figure amongst the many historical worthies of post-war Britain. He would, at first, seem an unlikely candidate to become a popular, globally recognised icon. He worked within a comparatively novel and arcane scientific field, the central concepts of which are still only fully understood by specialists. It was one which emerged from mostly from his own high-level theoretical reasoning and debating the earlier work of (the similarly obscure) Kurt Gödel upon whether mathematical processes could truly solve any definable problem. 1 His life did not contain that many spectacular events, rather slow, grand, specific achievements that often seemed purely academic at the time. Many of these were not even publically known until after his death, due to their highly sensitive nature. Furthermore, he died prematurely and unexpectedly before reaching his full potential and after being arrested and tried in circumstances that still provoke some degree of controversy. Complicating matters, he left no coherent memoir intended for publication or personal recollections of his work beyond scattered notes, papers, and letters. Although certainly personable he was not particularly charismatic, as living popular scientists or scientific communicators often are. Nor did he …show more content…

There is also the question of what has led a variety of figures, most of whom are not solely professional historians, to take up an extracurricular interest in promoting Turing and his work. Likewise, Turing has benefited from a excellent reception amongst cultural and educational professionals not often seen by post-1945 British scientists. It can also be reasonably assumed that the funding related projects have received and the endorsements that have been made would not have been as forthcoming unless those providing them could expect something from Turing, however abstract, in

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