
African American Wealth Inequality Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

This first lecture gave us a close look into the unequal share of wealth and the factors that determine the wealth of individuals in the American society. One of the first factors that affect immensely the inequality in America is the obsessiveness of wanting to classify people and make them mark a box for their gender, race and class. Where men and whites have more privileges than any other person and are not only paid higher, but would most likely spend less time in prison for committing the same crime as an African American. The United states is so unequal that the top 1% of the population has 38.1% of the wealth and the bottom 40% which is a little less than half of the people living in America only have 0.2% of the wealth. And as if that statistic alone was not scary enough, we learn in this …show more content…

As we see in many schools in the united states, they are divided into honor classes and regular classes, and they do not get the same education because of how smart somebody seems to be in school. Which is extremely unfair for those who want to challenge themselves and not feel less smart than someone else. I think that if this system changes that aspect of school, it would make a big difference on how many people go to college after school and their future income for the better. . I come from Venezuela and everything was a lot more equal and uniform. For example, everyone had to wear a uniform and everyone was demanded to know the same material at the same pace. There were no honors or advanced courses offered. Which I think has a lot to do with the fact that almost everyone that graduates from high school in Venezuela goes to college, and the majority of the population has a higher education, which obviously has a great impact in their future income or

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