
Affect Violence on Television has on Children Essay

Decent Essays

Affect Violence on Television has on Children Don’t Young Children “Sponge It” from Television? If a stranger gives a candy and “junk food” to a child, the kid enjoys eating such foods even though they produce the harmful effects of rotting away at his teeth. With a parent to limit child’s intake of such harmful sweets, however, the child is protected from their damage.
Similarly, the American public enjoys viewing violent and abusive programs at the risk of adapting aggressive and unacceptable behaviors. Because the networks refuse to act as a “mother” and to limit the amount of violence shown on television, there are no restrictions to prevent television’s violent candy from rotting away at the teeth of society. The …show more content…

Children (and even some adults), however, do not always realize this is not the way difficult situations are handled in real life. Such youngsters come to expect the violence in everyday life; they create it to be satisfied. Besides the fact that violence on television is able to be much more exciting and enthralling than it is viewed in reality, the children find the violent and the hostile behaviors of the characters in movies fun to imitate. They do imitate the models because the ideas shown on television are more attractive to the viewers. This factor has been widely seen with the advent of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Star Wars. Young children cannot seem to get enough of this fictional characters and portray them often. Or here is another example, after watching the movie Natural Born Killers, students in Columbine High School killed numbers of their classmates and teachers thinking that shooting was “natural” act to perform. Many other movies and shows as well as advertising on television do perform the examples of violence and physical abuse: slapping, hitting, biting, spitting, burning, and many other forms of physical aggressions that effect a young child’s mind disrupting the learning abilities and upsetting the moral balance. The information cannot be ignored. Violent television viewing does effect young people.
On this topic, writes Caryl Rivers, “Make no

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