
Advertising R Us Rubin Analysis

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“Advertisement R Us “is an analysis written by Melissa Rubin on a Coca-Cola ad that was printed in the 1950s. At the time of her analysis on the almost sixty-three year old ad, Rubin was still a student at Hofstra University. The ad that Rubin analyzed was from the August 1950 addition of the Bottler Magazine which was only given to employees of Coca-Cola. Most, if not all, workers of that time were Caucasian male, which explains why everyone in the ad are Caucasian and all but four are males. The four women in the picture are wearing dresses, which help demonstrate the time the ad was made versus how it would be made in the 21st century. In 1950 it was common for only Caucasian men to be portrayed in many ads because that was how the society

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