
Advertising In Advertising

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The business of advertising must have been pretty rough in the 1960s. What can an advertisement agency do when hired to capitalize on either counterculture hippies with their peculiar way of life who are probably too high on LSD to remember any advertisements anyway or a bustling populace which concerns itself so much with the latest fad that advertisers might not keep up on whether bell-bottoms are still groovy enough to be able to make a satisfactory profit? Well, in 1966, Fiat seemed to have the most correct answer to this dilemma, an answer as old as advertising itself: sex. This 1960s Fiat ad campaign featured attractive women and Fiat vehicles with promises of adventure and masculinity; one advertisement in particular showcases a blonde woman in a bathing suit sitting seductively upon a Fiat 1500 Spider with the caption “How would you like to get away from it all with the Second Best Shape in Italy?” Young men in the 1960s would have most likely selected the “The Most!” option (Vintage Ad Browser). Although dated, this advertisement is still relevant today when analyzing the effectiveness of an ad and the morals it champions; the Fiat ad’s exact format could just have easily appeared in 2017 with color and a more modern car. However, rather than the advertisement itself being ahead of its time, the main marketing strategy of sex appeal it employs has remained a favorite of advertising agencies throughout the decades. The same audience of young men targeted in the

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