
Advertising For Advertising

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How much are ads part of everyday life? The New York Times recorded a study by Yankelovich, a market research firm, and they estimated that people living in a city see up to 5,000 or more advertisements a day. By the same token, children are heavily exposed to advertising, and most of the ads today are directed right at them. Advertising to children is a big part of the market today. Therefore, advertisers should not market to children because it is unethical. It can influence children’s behavior in a negative fashion, and markets can exploit children, and can use the media to reach children at young ages even though they are not able to understand its intent. Ads can influence and affect a child’s behavior. With this in mind, marketers tapped into the children’s market and figured it would boost their revenue. It all starts when a child is very young. According to the article “How Marketers Target Kids” children at “six months of age can form mental images of corporate logos and mascots. Brand loyalties can be established as early as age two…” Not to mention, marketers will create campaign ads so children will use pestering behavior to get a certain product, which starts at a young age as well (“How Marketers Target Kids”). Marketers want children to be bothersome whenever they want something and to continue this behavior. To emphasize this fact YTV Kids and Tweens Report in 2008 found results saying kids have almost 100% control when choosing breakfast, lunch, dinner, and

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