
Advertising : Advertising And Advertising

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Every Advertising campaign main focus is to be cost effective, reach the largest target audience and most importantly should attract new customers.( Advertising plays a crucial role for every company regarding the size of the company, it doesn’t matter if the company is big or small an effective and well planned ad campaign can do wonders for the company. “Effective advertising reaches potential customers and informs them of your products or services. Ideally, advertising should capture the prospective customer’s attentions attention and entice them to use your product. Regardless of the method, all your advertising should be clear and consistently reflect the unique positioning statement of your business” ( “An advertising campaign is developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services” ( “The key is creative and flexible planning based on an in depth knowledge of the target consumer and the avenues that can be utilized to reach that consumer” (
Advertising strategies focus on achieving three main goals that are promoting awareness of a business and its product and services, stimulate sales directly and attract competitors and customers and establish or modify a

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