
Advantages Of Nike Marketing Strategy

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Marketing strategies are generally concerned with 4 Ps; product, pricing, promotional and placement strategies. The focus of these strategies are the objectives to be achieved, meant to ultimately meet the business overall goal of revenue growth. The key to successful marketing is differentiation strategy. If consumers do not perceive Nike as being different from those in the competition, Nike will not win the marketing war. The battle for consumer minds is a battle of perceptions not the products, thus, it is important for Nike to constantly engage with a differentiation strategy and tactical activities to stay ahead as the leader in global sportswear and apparel market. …show more content…

Notice also a personalized customer name printed onto the shoe strap (Nike Homepage)

xv. Great customer service can overcome even the poor marketing but it is incredibly difficult to replace poor customer service with even the most exceptional, ‘delightful’ marketing. Nike must ensure that all its customer service staff are being screened enough before they are employed and given sufficient training in all aspects of customer service. Not only that, the brand must also ensure that its partners, both retail and online, are reputable companies which are good in managing customers. iii. For the effect of group influence, associating Nike products with a favorable group that its target market admires can kick sales into higher gear. E.g. Manchester United (MU) has huge fan followers around the world and Nike has taken advantage of this by sponsoring its players jerseys, thus win over MU fans. The brand should consider localizing the same technique by say, sponsoring JDT Football Club, the Malaysia Cup champion 2017 to entice more local fans into buying its …show more content…

In response to rising popularity of e-commerce, Nike should enhance its direct interaction with consumers by having its own localized online shopping site in all the countries it has operations, including Malaysia. The brand should connect more personally with its customers to help each individual make the right choices for the same products’ quality but at lower prices (considering no additional costs involved compared to running a brick-and-mortar store). This is also in view of the fact that a large number of customers being sceptical about the quality of Nike products when buying online from the third-party e-commerce sites. This strategy would be in line with Nike’s broader effort to boost its direct-to-consumer sales from US$6.6billion in 2015 to US$16billion in 2020 (YahooFinance, Sept, 2017), to counter the dwindling sales growth from its wholesale segment (graph

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