
A Study On Mode Choice Modeling

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2.1 Mode choice
Mode choice is the willingness of a person to prefer one mode of transport over the other when given various alternatives comprising different attribute values. Here, attributes are the factors which impact the mode choice such as their socio-economic characteristics, trip characteristics and available transport characteristics.
2.1.1 Theories for mode choice modeling
Mode choice modeling is conventionally done based on discrete choice model; here the discrete set of alternatives is given and one must be chosen. This model is based on choosing an alternative with maximum utilization or say choosing a mode which provided the maximum utility to the user. This utility can be found out with the attributes having an impact on mode choice. The relationship between the attributes and mode choice gives a value to each attribute which shows the dependency of choosing a particular mode on that attribute. The utility equations are generally represented as linear equations; the coefficients of each attribute is taken as its weight representing its relative value or importance in the utility equation and hence, their contribution in mode choice. Deterministic and Probabilistic Choice Theory: The user chooses a mode as per the utility function but there can also be some unpredictable behavior which can influence the choice. If the choice of a person in a modal is taken as rational and he chooses a mode with maximum utility; the model is

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