
A Dead Man's Path, By Chinua Achebe

Decent Essays

Traditions throughout culture change with time, yet in most instances, a handful of people refuse to change their methods or beliefs. In “Dead Man’s Path,” Chinua Achebe creates a changing society and presents a group of people who are unwilling to change their way of life and adapt. Achebe uses symbols, allusions, characters, and setting development to give the reader an interpretation of the changes made throughout society that creates a conflict between a new generation and an old generation.
In “A Dead Man’s Path,” Achebe uses the symbols of a path and a barbed wire fence to effectively capture the conflicting ideas between a new and an old generation. Ani, the village priest, maintains the importance of this path for he states that the …show more content…

In 1949, many African nations began their surge for independence, and the native people did not accept the social modifications forced upon them. The revelation of the setting comes through the name “Ndume Central School” which is a school located within the African nation of Nigeria (595). Later, the setting reveals the deep divisions that take place in Africa at the time and allows the reader to understand why the villagers resists change. The separation between the school and village symbolizes the division, and this separation captures a modern school fighting a traditional village. Obi enforces the separation with the moving of the path and states that this new path should “[skirt] our premises” (597). The setting enhances the conflict between the villagers and Obi because the Africans at the time resisted the change that Obi enforced within the school. The setting of the school and village enhances the conflict because the school represents the transformation of society, while the village captures the stubborn, old way of living.
Achebe produces a theme throughout “A Dead Man’s Path” based on the conflict of change through the path, a barbed wire fence, a biblical allusion, and setting throughout the story. The literary devices allow for the reader to establish a strong interpretation of the effects of change and how people within society refuse to adapt from their traditional ways. This story accurately captures the struggle between a new generation and traditional way of life. Even with forced modernization, the refusal of change causes conflict in an ever-changing

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