
A Comparison of Blake, Wordsworth and Keats

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A Comparison of Blake, Wordsworth and Keats

William Blake, John Keats and William Wordsworth all believe in the "depth" of the world and the possibilities of the human heart. However, each poet looks towards different periods in time to capture meaning in life. Blake looks towards the future for his inspiration, Keats towards the present and Wordsworth towards the past. Regardless of where each poet looks for their inspiration they are all looking for the same thing; timeless innocence. Each poet sought to transcend time by creating works that dealt with life, death, hope and imagination and to discover some kind of deep truth or meaning in existence. Life and death is an issue that we will all have to deal with at some point in our life …show more content…

Technological advancement and social "progress" were steps backwards for Wordsworth and thus he looked to the past for his inspiration.
John Keats did not have the luxury time that Wordsworth had to look to the past and reminisce about things that were because he knew he did not have long to live. Even from a young age Keats felt his life would be a short one and he so "he applied himself to his art with a desperate urgency". Keats died at twenty-six years old and managed to leave behind some of the greatest poetry ever written. He didn't bother to look toward the future because he knew that he wouldn't live to see it and he didn't look to the past because he decided that it was more important to live in the moment.
Keats was very aware of his own mortality and his poetry reflected the intensity and the passion of a man who didn't have very long to live. His poetry remains some of the densest prose ever penned because, like his brief existence, he had to condense so much life into so little space. The thought of impending death would be enough to make anyone fall into hopeless despair but Keats's incredible talents and commitment to live in the moment perhaps allowed him to three lifetimes. "The Chimney Sweeper" is a quintessential Blake poem as it embodies his belief in looking towards the future for hope and comfort. Additionally, the poem is a perfect example of a child's movement from innocence to

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