
A Brave New World Quote Analysis

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Discontented and disheartened, author Aldous Huxley accentuates what’s to come in the future based off present events in his novel, Brave New World (Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper & Bros. 1946). Although satirical, Huxley’s message is somber and warns people towards the loss of total freedom and individuality as technological advances continue to develop. People in today’s society consider oppression and social restrictions as a negative way of living. On the other hand, citizens in the novel view this kind of lifestyle as orderly and enjoyable as a result of consistent government submission. The loss of control has led this society to be scientifically dependent and incapable of finding the meaning of true happiness. Society, in Brave New World, desperately tries to live a perfect life, but when attempting to do so, they do the exact opposite. Stability is everything, but in trying to find it, government, otherwise known as the main oppressors of the novel, refrain citizens from experiencing the …show more content…

In gaining the ability to block out the destitutions and making them seem imperceptible, society lost the right to feel to their full ability. Too much of a “good” thing won’t last for long. “There was something called liberalism. Parliament, if you know what that was, passed a law against it. The records survive. Speeches about liberty of the subject. Liberty to be inefficient and miserable. Freedom to be a round peg in a square hole,” (Chapter 3, page 46). Mustapha Mond words this statement rhetorically. As he makes reference to past events, the connotation is negatively put. He makes freedom seem like something so far and undesirable. The main goal of people in this society is to aim for this subordinate fun lifestyle. The consequence of this saddening world is the incapability of discovering true happiness and

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