
1984 Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

George Orwell’s novel 1984 reflects on the society of dystopian city Airstrip 1 where main character Winston Smith lives. Along with the many other citizens, Winston is controlled by the Inner Party by constantly being monitored via telescreens that keep sight of everybody and their actions. Besides using telescreens the government also easily arrests people in any case of “thoughtcrime” which consists of any thoughts that regard disobedience towards the government. Thoughtcrime and telescreens are two of the several factors that reflect the extreme surveillance in 1984. Orwell uses surveillance as the central theme of the novel to spread his idea that the usage of more extreme surveillance could eventually lead to a totalitarian society. On a less extreme scale, today’s society also has a significant amount of surveillance but many question whether or not more surveillance is necessary. With the many current text sources, it is certain that we need less surveillance in order to keep a stable society that does not take away the individualism of people.
The level of surveillance in the US had gradually grown over time and has strong potential to become equal to the amount of surveillance used in 1984. Having the government have further access to our private information could lead to a society similar to that of 1984 where people lose their sense of individual thought and personality. The fear that the government instills in people causes dehumanization. Individuals would want to avoid being punished through any means and listens to only what the government states, getting rid of individuality. Losing sense of individuality will stop growth from occurring through society and media. Having a totalitarian government take away individualism could occur in multiple instances. In ‘“1984” by George Orwell: Individualism: Preventing the Terror of Totalitarianism” by Brandon Johnson explains how Newspeak in 1984 is a factor in decreasing thought. The usage of Newspeak is made to help further reduce communication. Lack of communication would also cease growth in becoming a better society through conversation. Using more surveillance would also force people to lose their sense of reality such as how the citizens or

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