
1984 Invasion Of Privacy

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Invasion of Privacy
1984 has come to life in many cases for the United States. One of the big issues is the public’s privacy in the US, or lack of it in better words. The government spies in on its people in more ways than one, and it’s not just one country now. It seems that all over the world citizens are losing freedom in ways they never thought possible. A quote from 1984, “War is Peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”(Orwell 4), shows how the government in 1984 wanted people to accept slavery as a part of life, even if that meant spying in on the citizens every waking moment of their lives. In a world where the government turns children against their parents, telescreens monitoring people's lives at home, and thought police …show more content…

The 1984 quote, “Big Brother is Watching You” (Orwell 2) is becoming far too real for most while in the dawn of technology. Small handheld devices carried by millions with the ability to keep track of location and can communicate with others, yet one can only imagine the darker side of a device meant to bring ease of life to many. The telescreen in 1984 shows how a device advertised as an entertainment product could be turned against the public. The telescreen was bought by proles, who could afford one, for the entertainment of a television. The telescreen allowed people to view certain media channels. In the same way, smartphones are being bought by millions of people for the entertainment value and connectivity to the cyber world. The government is hard at work cracking open cellphones, such as Android, to view what the owners are using the phones for. There is a backdoor in each phone that allows the government to pull information out of the phone. The information consists of phone call records, emails, text messages, and internet history. The government agency, National Security Agency, was …show more content…

Security cameras have been bought by the millions and are being put everywhere. The chances of walking down the street corner and not being videotaped are slim to none. Security cameras range for traffic cameras, car cameras, to business cameras. The use of security cameras has diminished crime solving time. If a convenient store gets robbed chances are there are at least 4 cameras all pointed in different directions. This makes police work a lot easier where now an officer can view the tape and get a good picture of their suspect. These cameras can be set up at traffic intersections as well to catch traffic violations, and in India that’s exactly what their doing. As India’s cities grow they require more safety features like road side cameras. The article ,Sony Network Cameras help Indore Police, describes the uses of these cameras. Sony has partnered with the Indore police in setting up red light cameras that watch for traffic violations. When the light turns red the camera sets up a virtual line and any vehicle that passes the line is flagged and a picture is taken of the license plate. The cameras also have multiple other uses such as monitoring parking lots and sidewalks. Many people do not like this new system though, and the thought of it is that an officer should be present when issuing a citation. This allows the driver to have a chance to explain themselves to the officer making traffic violations

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