PSY 300 Final Project Paper Template (2)



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Apr 30, 2024





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1 Final Project: Research Investigation Sarah Weber Southern New Hampshire University
2 Literature Review The existing research in the field has shown that the basic functions of the brain and nervous system play a significant role in influencing human behavior, particularly in the context of addiction. Authors have claimed that processes such as reward and reinforcement, decision- making, and impulse control are all heavily influenced by the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Additionally, the interaction between neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, and the brain's response to addictive substances has been highlighted as a key factor in understanding addictive behaviors. Furthermore, studies have indicated that the structure and function of the brain regions involved in reward processing and decision-making are altered in individuals with addiction. Technology The development of new technologies in biopsychology has significantly changed the approach to studying biological influences on human behavior, specifically addiction. These technologies have allowed researchers to examine the brain at a molecular level, providing insight into the neurochemical processes involved in addiction. Additionally, advances in brain imaging techniques have allowed for a better understanding of the neural circuits involved in addiction and how they are affected by various substances (Yen et al., 2023). Overall, these technological advancements have greatly contributed to our understanding of addiction and have the potential to inform more effective treatments in the future. Historical Views Throughout history, addiction has been viewed through various lenses. In ancient times, addiction was often seen as a moral failing or a lack of willpower (Frank & Nagel, 2017). During the 19th century, addiction was considered a character flaw, with little understanding of the
3 underlying causes. It wasn't until the 20th century that addiction started to be recognized as a medical condition, leading to the development of treatment approaches focused on addressing the physiological and psychological aspects of addiction (Olsen, 2022). Today, addiction is widely understood as a complex disease influenced by genetic, environmental, and social factors, with a growing emphasis on evidence-based treatment and support for individuals struggling with addiction. Conclusions in Biopsychology Based on my review of existing research in the field, it is clear that biological influences play a significant role in human behavior, particularly in the case of addiction. Studies have shown that genetic factors can increase an individual's susceptibility to addiction, while brain chemistry and structure can also contribute to addictive behaviors (Deak & Johnson, 2021). Additionally, environmental factors such as stress and trauma can impact the brain's reward system and increase the likelihood of addiction. Overall, it is important to recognize the complex interplay between biology and environment in understanding addiction and developing effective treatments.
4 Literature Review and Design in Research The existing research in the field of addiction has utilized various research designs to address research questions. Specific methods such as surveys, interviews, and experimental studies have been employed to investigate the causes, effects, and treatments of addiction (Busetto et al., 2020). These studies have utilized research designs including cross-sectional, longitudinal, and case-control designs to examine the complex nature of addiction and its impact on individuals and society (Busetto et al., 2020). It focused on genetic factors, brain structure, and neurotransmitter imbalances as key contributors to these conditions (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016). Additionally, the research considered environmental influences like prenatal substance exposure and early life experiences, emphasizing the intricate interplay between biological and environmental factors in shaping human behavior. Research designs played a crucial role in conducting research in biopsychology. By using appropriate research designs, authors were able to investigate the complex relationship between biology and behavior in addiction (Busetto et al., 2020). These designs allowed researchers to control variables, manipulate independent variables, and measure dependent variables accurately. Furthermore, research designs helped in establishing cause-and-effect relationships between biological factors and addiction. Overall, the use of research designs in biopsychology research helped in producing reliable and valid results that contributed to our understanding of addiction. Ethics The research in the field of addiction has been thorough in addressing ethical concerns by prioritizing informed consent, ensuring participant confidentiality, and safeguarding vulnerable populations (Anderson & McNair, 2018). Ethical considerations were meticulously integrated
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