Vocabulary Instruction Assignment for Week 11(1)



University of Pittsburgh *

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Feb 20, 2024





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Teacher candidates use original lesson plan OSD majors use your chosen Speech Act Complete ELL student profile: Aimar is a refugee from Syria. He has received some formal education. He has spent some time in a refugee resettlement camp before coming to the U.S. He and his family recently moved to America and are now living in a homeless shelter. With his lack of formal education, he is struggling to grasp any concepts, basic content, and reading and writing skills. His classroom behavior is poor; he will not sit still, struggles with listening due to lack of understanding, and isolates himself. Entering Level 1: • pictorial or graphic representation of the language of the content areas • words, phrases or chunks of language when presented with one-step commands, directions, WH-, choice or yes/no questions, or statements with sensory, graphic, or interactive support • oral language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that often impede meaning when presented with basic oral commands, direct questions, or simple statements with sensory, graphic, or interactive support Content topic: Letter Tracing A. Select five to ten word that you will teach. For each word, write a student-friendly definition. Words & Phrases Student-Friendly Definition 1. My first step is to TRACE the letter. To copy by following the lines on a sheet of paper. 2. My favorite LETTER to trace is? A character of an alphabet. 3. follow Go after or behind. 4. draw To make a picture of. 5. word Basic unit of language. 6. create To bring into being. 7. pencil A long, thin tool used for writing and drawing. 8. begin First step; start 9. explore Try to understand. 10. build To form or create. Content topic: Letter Tracing B. Explain how you will pre-assess the students’ understanding and use of the vocabulary & phrases (prior to instruction). Be specific. Reference the resources provided As a pre-assessment, I would give the students a test to determine their level of understanding. There will be multiple choice questions and fill in the blanks on the test. To determine what the students know prior to the lesson, I will collect the test and save it as diagnostic data. At the end of the lesson, I would administer the same test in order to determine where there had been improvement and where still needed improvement. I will be able to obtain quantitative data on those who require
improvement and assistance. ELL students will participate in "knowledge splash," where they will receive a blank piece of paper and should write everything they know. Including vocabulary words, definitions, etc. As a result, we would meet and discuss what he/she knows and doesn't know. (Alyssa, 2021) (Stahl & Bravo, 2010) C. Explain how you will introduce or teach this set of vocabulary word & phrases. Be specific. Identify a strategy and just your choice. Reference the resources provided In order to introduce a set of vocabulary words and phrases, I would introduce each word one at a time. I would say the word and definition aloud and ask students to repeat it. The words would be displayed along with their definitions. A picture would accompany each word in order to provide a graphical representation of the lesson. To introduce new words to my English language learners, I would use cognates. In order to help them understand each word and its meaning, I encourage them to draw or speak their own definitions, either in English or in their native language. (Lyon, 2023) D. Explain what activities you will use to help students learn and practice these new words & phrases (e.g., word map, use of visuals, vocabulary bingo, or information gap). Be specific. Identify a strategy and just your choice Memory and vocabulary bingo would be the activities I would use to help the students learn and practice. In the first activity of "Memory", I would write the word on one care card and its definition on the other. Each student will be paired up with a partner and will have to match words with their definitions. The students will be required to read the word aloud and explain its definition. To facilitate comprehension for English language learners, I would put the word on one card and a picture on the other and/or put their native word next to the English word, accompanied by a definition. This will facilitate the student's cognitive development, improve concentration, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Another activity would be vocabulary bingo. Each student would receive a bingo card with blank squares. I will provide them with a list of their vocabulary words. Students are required to cut out the vocabulary words and glue them wherever they wish on the sheet. I will then provide each student with a dauber and have all the definitions in a bag that they can pull out to read. Upon hearing the definition, the students will be required to mark it on their paper, if they possess the appropriate word. First to get 5 in a row wins. In order to make it easier for my ELL students to identify vocabulary words, their sheets will include the native word and the English word next to each other. To make my ELL students more comfortable, I would learn how to speak the student-friendly definition in their native language. (Fenner & Snyder, 2017) E. Determine what word-learning skills, e.g., understanding cognates, determining meaning from context, or understanding word parts) you will have students’ practice. What will the activity include? Be specific!! Understanding cognates will be the skill the students will practice during the word-learning period. It will be a word sorting activity. The first thing I would do is pair all the students together. I would provide a set of cognate cards to each pair. The first card contains the English cognate, and the second card contains the native cognate. The students will then be required to sort the words by
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