Task 2_D511



Western Governors University *

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Health Science


May 1, 2024





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TPMC recommendation 3 diabetes care being inadequate in this location. Due to demographics, this population is more likely to develop diabetes. If care is given, the number of critical cases seen in emergency departments will decline, and patients who are diagnosed with diabetes will have the resources and support they need to lead better lives (Twin Pines Medical Center, n.d.). The goals of Cleveland Clinic and TPMC are aligned, and this partnership will guarantee that people in the community receive high-quality medical treatment. B1. TPMC should join the Cleveland Clinic. Giving people top-quality health care is a goal for both organizations. Cleveland Clinic is a leader in health information, education, and research, providing both inpatient and outpatient care at the highest level of advancement (Cleveland Clinic, n.d.). TPMC integrates with Cleveland Clinic- which is ranked second in the world for patient services (Wheeler, T.,2023). The goal of cost reduction, and diabetes care to population-providing specialists will be met with this affiliation. B2. Benefits of this affiliation: 1. 1. Reduction in patients with diabetic medical concerns seeking attention at the ED. a. As a result, TPMC ED will be able to function and other cases from the population. Also, A rise in the level of satisfaction among ED staff. 2. The Cleveland Clinic Diabetes Center offers a multidisciplinary team that includes endocrinologists, nephrologists, podiatrists, nutritionists, diabetes educators, and pharmacists to help patients get back on track. The extensive
TPMC recommendation 4 experience of the Cleveland Clinic network will eradicate any health inequalities within the community. (Cleveland Clinic, n.d.). a. Consequently, having access to these experts will aid TPMC in its efforts to reduce ED overuse. 3. Making use of Cleveland Clinic's technological platforms to enable patients to get care via the Cleveland Clinic app while at home. With the help of this app, users may access doctors, hospitals, MyChart, virtual visits, and patient records in a truly amazing virtual healthcare environment (Cleveland Clinic, n.d.). a. By facilitating patient access to preventative services, this platform can improve community health in general at affordable costs. B3. Specific reasons to avoid affiliations with these organizations: 1. Mayo Clinic a. The main obstacles to affiliation with the Mayo Clinic are issues with communication and structure between the two organizations. Affiliates should adhere to the same systems, procedures, and strategic strategy as Mayo Clinic. To maintain its asset independence, TPMC is looking for an integrated network, and Mayo might not be interested in such an arrangement (Mayo Clinic, 2020). 2. Intermountain Healthcare a. TPMC and Intermountain Healthcare have similar missions. The alignment promotes healthy lifestyles with a little cost of operation. Experts at Intermountain Healthcare work with patients of all ages to develop personalized treatment plans that suit their lifestyles. The hospital offers
TPMC recommendation 5 comprehensive diabetic care (Home: Diabetes & endocrinology, n.d.). Nonetheless, the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic offer more specialized treatment and research for people with diabetes, offering excellent medical care. C1. This affiliation is a clinically integrated network. Cleveland Clinic will provide TPMC access to its clinical expertise, IT, and infrastructure. Both organizations will maintain their independence and assets (Spees, J., 2014). Established by a local philanthropist, TPMC aims to maintain control over assets, personnel, and finances (Twin Pines Medical Center, n.d.). C2. New organization, mission, vision, and value statements. § Organization statement: Cleveland Clinic and TPMC are privileged to provide everyone in the Parish Pine community with modern, affordable, and innovative healthcare. § Mission: Offer top-notch medical services at reasonable prices. § Vision: An inclusive culture: Best workplace and caring environment. § Values: Prioritizing people, we think that empowering our staff improves the atmosphere in which we can deliver better healthcare. C3. Before a transition, management and leadership must be discussed. A board of directors representing both organizations should be established to assist in decision- making, but as each organization will continue to be independent, the CEO, COO, CMO, CNO, and VP should stay in place. However, this affiliation may require these personnel to take on different duties to make sure both clinical and non-clinical staff
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