Exam 1_W24



University of Michigan *

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Apr 3, 2024





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COMM102 Exam 1 First, to receive credit for this exam, you must sign this pledge: “I pledge to do this exam entirely on my own. I am only using the textbook and materials provided by the instructor and no other resources whatsoever, including ChatGPT or other AI. I am also not helping anyone else, and I am not sharing anything about this exam with anyone or online.” Matthew Pereira [ Type or write your name in the space above] Multiple choice (5% each): Select the best answer for each 1. Choose the option below that is most appropriate for conducting a content analysis A. To explain why people choose to watch violent shows B. To determine effects of watching violent shows on aggression C. To describe how violent certain shows are D. All of the above 2. Choose the option below that is most appropriate for conducting a cross-section survey. A. Controlling the conditions under which research is conducted B. Determining correlations among attitudes and behaviors of media users C. Identifying themes in media content D. Understanding changes in media industries 3. Which of these is an experiment most useful for? A. Exploring open-ended research questions B. Measuring levels of violence in the media C. Understanding media industries over time D. Determining cause and effect 4. Which method is least suitable for studying whether media influences are powerful or limited in size? A. Experiment B. Survey C. Content analysis D. All of the above are suitable ways of determining powerful and limited effects 5. Which of the following methods is most useful for measuring public opinion? A. Experiment B. Survey C. Content analysis D. None of these methods are useful for measuring public opinion
6. A specific prediction that can be tested by gathering and analyzing empirical evidence is referred to as: A. An independent variable B. A dependent variable C. A hypothesis D. A spurious relationship 7. Which of the following theories is least useful for studying how media use influences people? A. Uses and gratifications B. Cultivation C. Priming D. Spiral of silence 8. Which theory would be most appropriate for understanding how people’s goals influence the type of content they select from media? A. Cultivation B. Priming C. Spiral of silence D. Uses and gratifications 9. Which type of variable, under some condition, would make a correlation stronger or weaker? A. Independent B. Dependent C. Mediator D. Moderator 10. Which type of variable refers to the outcome of media usage? A. Independent B. Dependent C. Moderator D. Spurious Short answer (10% each): When asked for writing, provide either a paragraph (a few or several sentences) or bulleted list. When asked to create a drawing, either use digital drawing tools or draw by hand (in which case you would take a picture of the drawing and paste it into your response). At the end of each response, you must paraphrase from the reading and cite the specific page number(s) you used for your response (like this example, “Textbook Chapter 1, pp. 6-7”). Each response must come directly from assigned reading and cited, and please paraphrase in your words.
11. We learned that mass communication serves different functions for society. Explain the functions of mass communication for society and provide an example of each. Pick one of those functions and explain and provide an example of how that function can be manifest and latent in nature. Surveillance of the environment: The media is a way for society of the population to be notified of current events and general information that may be relevant to their lives (Textbook chapter 1, pp 11). One example of this might be the reporting on a current election. Correlation with parts of society: The media give opinions on specific topics that cause the public to form opinions (Textbook chapter 1, pp 11). A current example of this could be the media reporting on the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Cultural transmission: Media is able to helps maintain the cultural norms, practices and ideologies that keep a society unified and stable (Textbook chapter 1, pp 11). An example of this is patriotic American news during war times or the media within north Korea that limits the populations knowledge. Entertainment: The media can be considered entertainment for many people who often watch it casually when home or as a break from their daily life (Textbook chapter 1, pp 11). An example of this could be the late night show or Jimmy Falon. The correlation with parts of society can be manifest through opinionated messaging that sides with a single party. It can also be latent through the spread of underlying themes such as homophobia or racism by only portraying those people in a negative light. 12. Let’s say researchers find that as ice cream consumption goes up, air conditioning usage also goes up. Would you say that an increase in one causes an increase in the other? Explain why or why not. In your answer, explain the criteria for causal relationships and how this situation (with ice cream & air conditioning) either meets or does not meet each of the criteria. No, I would say that an increase in one does not cause the other because correlation does not necessarily reflect causation. For a relationship to be causal it need to have an empirical relation (Scientific methods in media effects research pp. 29), time-order between the (Scientific methods in media effects research pp. 32) and there needs to be no confounding variables (Scientific methods in media effects research pp. 34). This example only meets the empirical relation, but doesn’t meet the time order or the proof of a confounding variable.
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