Week 8 Discussion



National University College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 27, 2024





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After reading the article on check your privilege and completing the addressing activity, I found that it’s important to acknowledge the past circumstances that revolve around privilege that some people face more than others. With diversity everywhere, Pamela Hays (2016) developed an acronym called ADDRESSING. Addressing stands for age, disability, diagnosis, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, indigenous heritage, national origin and gender identity (Hays, 2016). Throughout the addressing activity, the phrases “more privileged and “more barriers” were asked for every section under the acronym addressing. Some areas were checked off for more barriers and some with more privileged. In my experience, I grew up with a lot of diversity from the schools I attended as well as the diverse friends that I made. I understood that my family expected differently from me than others in terms of school, but it never made a significant difference in terms of my relationships with my peers and/or adults. I’ve always been accepting of others that are different than myself, so I believe that perspective is important as well as openness to viewpoints that are different than my own have played big factors into who I am today. In the professional setting as a practitioner, I acknowledge my own sociocultural identity as my upbringings and experiences are going to be different than others. This is where being open and seeing a different perspective in the field of ABA while working with a diverse range of families is important. Different families have different backgrounds and ways that those experiences shaped them to who they are today. As a practitioner who is working with their family, being mindful of my own sociocultural identity while being respectful and open to others sociocultural identity is important. As an Asian American, my family cultural backgrounds are going to have differences no matter what. There might be overlaps in terms of the ADDRESSING which may be the same but not everything will be the same. Ethics are considered a specific rule of conduct. These may include doing no harm, respecting autonomy, benefit others, be just, be truthful, accord dignity, treat others with care and compassion, pursue excellence, accept accountability. These principles are meant to be guidance to set rules for ethical behavior (Cooper et al., 2020). As this class discusses ethics codes, I plan to ensure that my own personal biases in what is considered the “right thing to do” overlaps with ethics that I’m going to be learning in this class. Despite my personal privileges, I plan to strive to be have an open mind on the different ethics and
experiences that I’m going to be learning so that I can further apply, improve and be the best practitioner I can be for the clients I work with.
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