Copy of Eng 4 Lesson 41



La Puerta High School *

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Arts Humanities


May 8, 2024





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Lesson 41 Using Context Clues In today’s world, science and technology play increasingly important roles. Empirical evidence encourages us to define reality as rooted in reason. Within this context, imagination, or the inner ordering of the mind, is often downplayed and even dismissed. Modern thinking sometimes rejects the interplay of imagination, fantasy, and illusion. However, reality is not only outer and objective, nor is it solely inner and subjective. It is a blend of both, an artful balance between inner and outer experience. The words in this lesson provide a seedbed for discussion about these two experiences that converge in a rich and fertile view of human experience. Word List annihilate conspiratorial diverge prosaic audacious converge illumination thwart conciliatory derisive Exercise A Context Clues Write the vocabulary word that best matches each clue below. 1. If you participate in a plan to overthrow the government, you can be accused of this kind of thinking. conspiratorial 2. The beginning snowboarder may be called this to try such a steep slope right away. audacious 3. Three or more roads do this in traffic circles, found frequently in New Jersey and Massachusetts. converge 4. This verb can be used to describe what an earthquake can do to buildings in an unprepared city. annihilate 5. You might show your lack of respect for a person by giving this kind of laugh. audacious 6. A book or movie like this would probably not hold your interest. prosaic
7. This happens when you turn on the lights in a dark room. illumination 8. The mediator’s actions were described this way when she brought opposing sides together to solve their differences. conciliatory 9. This happens when two roads that are parallel turn in different directions. derisive 10. Angry citizens did this to the mayor’s plans to raise taxes. thwart Exercise B Usage Choose the correct word in parentheses that can be used to complete the sentence. 1. Two roads that (diverge, annihilate, converge) in a wood represent Robert Frost’s metaphor for the choice of a life direction. 2. The thunderstorm didn’t (converge, conciliate, thwart) our plans for a trip to the zoo. 3. The (conspiratorial, audacious, derisive) thief just walked out the front door with his loot. 4. Angela tried to use a (conspiratorial, conciliatory, prosaic) tone of voice to get the cooperation of both of her relatives. 5. Peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches, along with cheese and crackers, comprised a (prosaic, derisive, conspiratorial) menu at the elegant art opening. 6. We decided to use chemicals against the aphids, white flies, and spider mites that threatened to (converge, diverge, annihilate) every plant in the garden. 7. With a loud stage whisper and a(n) (audacious, conspiratorial, derisive) wink, the narrator of the play invited the children to join him in booing the villain. 8. Social, political, and economic factors can (diverge, annihilate, converge) to create a revolutionary movement. 9. Candles provided the only (annihilation, convergence, illumination) for the romantic dinner. 10. With hands on hips and a (derisive, prosaic, conciliatory) smile, Monica taunted, “I told you so.”
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