Week 5 video questions



University of Oregon *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





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Questions on A Place of Discovery 1. Are there dinosaur fossils in the John Day National Monument? Why or why not? No, because life was covered after the dinosaurs 2. How thick are all the rock deposits taken together? How many species do they contain, in total? Rock deposits were 15000 feet thick. There were 2000 species of plants and animals identified 3. What is important about fossils found together in association? There is an extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna found in association representing one of the most diverse fossil collections in North America 4. What rock type makes up the Clarno Paisades, and how did this form? Prehistoric mud flows. Formed from layers of lava, ash fall, and organic sediment 5. What do the fossils reveal about the plant ecosystem at the time the Palisades were formed? It was drastically different than today’s ecosystem. Plants were similar to Panamanian jungles 6. When did the Ancestral (or Western) Cascades begin forming according to this video? 30 million years ago 7. What effect did the formation of this range have on the annual rainfall in the Monument region? The rising mountain range cut off the flow off the rainfall and it became drier and cooler 8. Crystal analysis of the ash tuffs enable what level of accuracy in dating the ash layers interspersed between the fossil-bearing strata? Be specific about the plus-or-minus error in dating in years. High degree of accuracy. Increase the plus-or-minus error to a tenth of a million years 9. While the point is made that many of the techniques of fossil removal from the location where found remain unchanged from the 19th century era of early exploration and discovery, what has changed in the approach to fossil collection in more recent times?
Record the occurrence while narrowing it down to a meter or less of where the fossil was found in a land environment and in a lake environment to a millimeter. Knowing where and when the fossil was found. Questions on Faith and Fossils 1. The segment of earth history represented in the John Day Fossil beds is characterized as The Age of Mammals and also of what else ? Flowering of plants 2. Who brought Condon his first fossils from the John day fossil beds region? Military / Soldiers 3. What was the first fossil Thomas Condon found when he first visited these fossil beds, that provided a clue to the paleoenvironment, and a name for the outcrop of discovery? Tortoise shells and rhino 4. OK, be honest, who teared up at the story of the neighborhood fire and the neighbors' response? everyone 5. Why was Condon's 1902 book called "The Two Islands"? It referred to the Blue and Klamath mountains which have ancient fossils. 6. What was your favorite Condon quote (rephrasing his position is fine) in the documentary? “Evolution was simply god’s method of working” (14:19) Questions on Oreodont Removal 1. What did the scientist do prior to even touching the fossil? Take field notes, gather information, and identify where they found it (the geologic section) 2. What kind of paper is used between the fossil bone and the plaster cast? Tissue paper 3. Why no dynamite? We have no control over the blast and can ruin the fossils Questions on Oregon Field Guide
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