
Home  »  Poetica Erotica  »  Yes I Could Love If I Could Find

T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.

Yes I Could Love If I Could Find

(From Malone MS. 16)

YES I could love if I could find
A mistress fitting to my mind;
Whom neither pride nor gold could move
To buy her beauty, sell her love;
Were neat, yet cared not to be fine,        5
And loved me for myself, not mine;
Were rather comely than too fair,
White skinn’d and of a lovely hair;
Not ever-blushing, nor too bold;
Not ever-fond, nor yet too cold;        10
Not sullen-silent, nor all tongue;
Nor puling walk, nor manlike strong;
Modestly full of pleasing mirth,
Yet close as centre of the earth;
In whom you no passion see        15
But when she looks or speaks of me;
Who calls to bed with melting eyes;
As sweet and fresh as morn, doth rise:
If such a one you chance to find,
She is a mistress to my mind.        20