
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

The Triumph of David

XIX. Michael Drayton

AND now before yong Dauid could come in,

The host of Israel somewhat doth begin

To rouze itselfe; some climbe the nearest tree,

And some the tops of tents, whence they might see

How this vnarmed youth himselfe would beare

Against th’ all-armed giant (which they feare):

Some get vp to the fronts of easie hills,

That by their motion a vast murmure fills

The neighbouring valleys, that th’ enemy thought

Something would by the Israelites be wrought

They had not heard of, and they longed to see

What strange and warlike stratagem ’t should be.

When soone they saw a goodly youth descend,

Himselfe alone, none after to attend,

That at his need with armes might him supply,

As meerely carelesse of his enemy:

His head vncouered, and his locks of hayre,

As he came on, being play’d with by the ayre,

Tost to and fro, did with such pleasure moue,

As they had beene prouocatiues for loue:

His sleeues stript vp above his elbowes were,

And in his hand a stiffe short staffe did beare,

Which by the leather to it, and the string,

They easily might discerne to be a sling.

Suting to these he wore a shepheard’s scrip,

Which from his side hung down vpon his hip.

Those for a champion that did him disdaine,

Cast with themselues what such a thing should meane;

Some seeing him so wonderousely faire,

(As in their eyes he stood beyond compare,)

Their verdict gaue, that they had sent him sure

As a choice bayt their champion to alure;

Others, againe, of judgment more precise,

Said they had sent him for a sacrifice,

And though he seem’d thus to be very young,

Yet was he well proportioned and strong,

And, with a comely and vndaunted grace,

Holding a steady and most euen pace,

This way, nor that way, neuer stood to gaze;

But, like a man that death could not amaze,

Came close vp to Goliah, and so neare

As he might easily reach him with his speare.

Which when Goliah saw, “Why boy,” quoth he,

“Thou desperate youth, thou tak’st me sure to be

Some dog, I thinke, and vnder thy command,

That thus art come to beat me with a wand:

The kites and rauens are not farre away,

Nor beasts of rauin, that shall make a prey

Of a poore corpse, which they from me shall haue,

And their foule bowels shall be all thy graue.”

“Vncircumcised slaue,” quoth Dauid then,

“That for thy shape the monster art of men,

Thou thus in brasse com’st arm’d into the field,

And thy huge speare of brasse, of brasse thy shield:

I, in the name of Israel’s God alone,

That more then mighty, that Eternall One,

Am come to meet thee, who bids not to feare,

Nor once respect the armes that thou dost beare.

Slaue, marke the earth whereon thou now dost stand,

Ile make thy length to measure so much land,

As thou lyest groueling, and within this houre

The birds and beasts thy carkasse shall deuoure.”

In meantime Dauid, looking in his face,

Betweene his temples saw how large a space

He was to hit, steps backe a yard or two;

The gyant, wond’ring what the youth would doe,

Whose nimble hand out of his scrip doth bring

A pebble-stone, and puts it in his sling;

At which the gyant openly doth ieere,

And, as in scorne, stands leaning on his speare,

Which giues young Dauid much content to see,

And to himselfe thus secretly saith he:

“Stand but one minute still, stand but so fast,

And haue at all Philistia at a cast.”

When with such slight the shot away he sent,

That from his sling as ’t had beene lightning went;

And him so full vpon the forehead smit,

Which gaue a cracke when his thicke scalpe it hit,

As ’t had beene throwne against some rocke or post,

That the shrill clap was heard through either host.

Staggering awhile vpon his speare he leant,

Till on a sodaine he began to faint,

When downe he came, like an old oregrowne oake,

His huge roote hewn vp by the labourer’s stroke,

That with his very weight he shooke the ground;

His brazen armour gaue a iarring sound,

Like a crackt bell, or vessel chanct to fall

From some high place, which did like death apall.

The proud Philistians, (hopelesse that remaine),

To see their champion, great Goliah, slaine,

When such a shout the host of Israel gaue,

As cleft the clouds; and like to men that raue,

(O’rcome with comfort) crye, “The boy, the boy!

O the braue Dauid, Israel’s onely joye!

God’s chosen champion! O most wondrous thing!

The great Goliah slaine with a poore sling!”

Themselue incompasse, nor can they containe;

Now are they silent, then they shoute againe.

Of which no notice Dauid seems to take,

But towards the body of the dead doth make,

With a faire comely gate; nor doth he runne

As though he gloried in what he had done;

But treading on th’ vncircumcised dead,

With his foot strikes the helmet from his head;

Which with the sword ta’n from the gyant’s side

He from the body quickly doth diuide.

Now the Philistians at this fearefull sight,

Leauing their armes, betake themselues to flight,

Quitting their tents, nor dare a minute stay.

Time wants to carry anything away,

Being strongly rowted with a generall feare,

Yet in pursute Saul’s army strikes the reare

To Ekron’s walles, and slew them as they fled,

That Sharam’s plaines lay couered with the dead.

And hauing put the Philistians to foyle,

Backe to the tents retire and take the spoyle

Of what they left; and ransacking, they cry,

“A Dauid, Dauid, and the victory!”

When straightwaies Saul his generall, Abner, sent

For valiant Dauid, that incontinent

He should repaire to court; at whose command

He comes along, and beareth in his hand

The gyant’s head, by th’ long hayre of his crowne,

Which by his actiue knee hung dangling downe,

And through the army as he comes along,

To gaze vpon him the glad souldiers throng:

Some doe instile him Israel’s onely light,

And other some the valiant Bethlemite.

With coniayes all salute him as he past,

And vpon him their gracious glances cast:

He was thought base of him that did not boast—

Nothing but Dauid, Dauid, through the host.

The virgins to their timbrels frame their layes

Of him, till Saul grew iealous of his praise.