
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

From an Epitaph on the Death of Juel, Bishop of Salisbury

CXXXVII. Nicholas Boweman

BY thee the path of heavenly health, by thee true faith was showen,

By thee the fruites of charitie in deedes and wordes were knowen;

By thee the inwarde man was clad and nourisht verie well;

In any soyle scarce is there founde such Jeuelles for to dwell.

Thy deedes agreed with stedfast wordes fast founded on the rocke;

To Christian state a father deare, and patron to the flocke,

Which beares the title of the Church, or Sheepefould of the Lord,

Approv’d by testimoniall actes, as scriptures do record.

If thus much then th’ accompt was made, what creatures can denay

But England shee too soone hath lost a Juell at this day;

Whom neither benefite of wealth could cause to wander froe

The compasse of the heauenly card, his dutie to bestowe?

Amonge his brethrene deare in Christ then, as we have begone,

Let us suppose that we have lost this Juell all too soone;

Desiring God that, as he is no doubt with him on hie,

We may become true Juelles all until the time we die.

So shall the heavenly verytie most brightly flourish still,

And spred her branches fayre abroad all over Sion hill.