
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Of Perfect Wisedome

XXIX. Richard Edwardes

WHOSO will be accounted wise,

And truly claime the same,

By ioyning vertue to his deedes

He must atchiue the same.

But few there be that seeke thereby

True wisdome to attaine:

O God, so rule our hearts therefore,

Such fondnesse to refraine.

The wisedome which we most esteeme

In this thing dooth consist;

With glorious talke to showe in wordes

Our wisedome when we list.

Yet not in talke, but seemely deedes,

Our wisedome we should place:

To speake so faire, and doo but ill,

Dooth wisedome quite disgrace.

To bargaine well, and shunne the losse,

A wisedome counted is,

And thereby through the greedy coyne

No hope of grace to misse.

To seeke by honour to aduance

His name to brittle praise,

Is wisedome which we dayly see

Increaseth in our daies.

But heauenly wisedome sower seemes,

Too hard for them to win;

And weary of the sute they seeme

When they do once begin.

It teacheth vs to frame our life,

While vitall breath we haue;

When it dissolueth earthly masse

The soule from death to saue.

By feare of God to rule our steppes

From sliding into vice,

A wisedome is which we neglect,

Although of greater price.

A point of wisedome also this

We commonly esteeme—

That euery man should be indeede

That he desires to seeme.

To bridle that desire of gaine

Which forceth vs to ill,

Our haughtie stomackes, Lord, represse,

To tame presuming will.

This is the wisedome that we should

Aboue each thing desire:

O heauenly God, from sacred throne

That grace in vs inspire.

And print in our repugnant harts

The rules of wisedome true,

That all our deeds in worldly life

May like thereof insue.

Thou onely art the liuing spring

From whom this wisedome flowes:

O wash therwith our sinfull harts

From vice that therein growes.