
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Principall Pointes of Religion

XXIV. Thomas Tusser

TO pray to God continually;

To learne to know him rightfully;

To honour God in Trinitie;

The Trinitie in Vnitie;

The Father in his maiestie;

The Sonne in his humanitie;

The Holy Ghost’s benignitie;

Three persons one in Deitie;

To serue him alway holily;

To aske him all thing needfully;

To prayse him alway worthely;

To loue him alway stedfastly;

To dread him alway fearefully;

To aske him mercy hartely;

To trust him alway faithfully;

To obey him alway willingly;

To abide him alway patiently;

To thank him alway thankfully;

To liue here alway vertuously;

To vse thy neighbour honestly;

To looke for death still presently;

To helpe the poore in misery;

To hope for heauen’s felicity;

To haue faith, hope, and charitie;

To count this life but vanitie—

Bee points of Christianitie.