
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

A Dittie, Declaring the Uncertaintie of Our Earthly Honor

XIX. Anthony Munday

  • The certaine account that we must all make of death; and therefore that we should make ourselues ready at all times, because we are ignorant of our latter howre.

  • WHAT state so sure but time subvarts?

    What pleasure that is voide of paine?

    What cheereful change of former smarts

    But turnes straitwaie to greefe againe?

    What credite may a man repose

    Vppon so fraile a clod of clay,

    Which as to-day in sollace goes,

    To-morrow is brought to earthly bay?

    Thinke, O man!

    How thy glasse is daily sette to runne,

    And how thy life shall passe when it is doone:

    Thy graue hath then thy glory wun,

    And all thy pompe in cinders laide full lowe.

    Take example

    By the fragrant flower in the feeld,

    Which as to-day in brauery is beheld,

    The parching sun hath ouer-quel’d.

    O wretched man! euen thou thyselfe art so.

    How then?

    How canst thou bragge, or canst thou boast,

    How that thou maiest

    Or that thou shalt

    Enjoy thy life untill to-morrow day?

    Thou seest

    That death subdues the strength of kings,

    Of high and lowe,

    Of rich and poore;

    And all as one he dooth call awaie.


    To goe,

    Put on your black aray; for needes you must away

    Unto your house of clay:

    Prepare your conscience gay against the dreadfull day,

    That you may be

    Christ’s chosen flocke and sheepe,

    Whom he will safely keepe,

    Whether you doo wake or sleepe:

    Then shall the hellish foe

    Away in terror goe,

    This joy to see.

    Remember this, amidst your blisse,

    That Christ hath redeemed vs by his blood.

    Then let vs kill our affections so ill,

    To be elected in his seruants’ good.

    Then shall we be sure for aye to endure

    On God’s right hand among the pure;

    When as the ill against their will

    The endlesse paine shall passe untill.

    God graunt us feruent constancie

    To auoide so great extremitie,

    That by his grace continuallie

    We may purchase heauen’s felicitie!