
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume IV. Prose and Poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton.

VIII. Thomas Campion


Thomae Campiani Poemata. Ad Thamesin. Fragmentum Umbrae. Liber Elegiarum. Liber Epigrammatum. 1595.

A Booke of Ayres, Set foorth to be song to the Lute, Orpherian, and Base Violl, by Philip Rosseter, Lutenist: And are to be solde at his house in Fleetstreete neere to the Gray-hound. 1601.

Observations in the Art of English Poesie. Wherein it is demonstratively prooved, and by example confirmed, that the English toong will receive eight severall kinds of numbers, proper to it selfe, which are all in this booke set forth, and were never before this time by any man attempted. 1602. [For Daniel’s reply, see ante Vol. III.]

The Discription Of A Maske, Presented before the Kinges Majestie at White-Hall, on Twelfth Night last, in honour of the Lord Hayes, and his Bride.… To this by occasion other small Poemes are adjoyned. 1607.

Songs of Mourning: Bewailing the untimely death of Prince Henry. Worded by Tho. Campion. And set forth to be sung with one voyce to the Lute, or Viol: by John Coprario. 1613.

A Relation Of the Late Royall Entertainment Given By the Right Honorable The Lord Knowles, At Cawsome-House neere Redding: to our most Gracious Queene, Queene Anne, in her Progresse toward the Bathe, upon the seven and eight and twentie dayes of Aprill, 1613. Whereunto is annexed the Description, Speeches, and Songs of the Lords Maske, presented in the Banquetting-house on the Marriage night of the High and Mightie, Count Palatine, and the Royally descended the Ladie Elizabeth. 1613.

Two Bookes of Ayres. The First Contayning Divine and Morall Songs: The Second, Light Conceits of Lovers. To be sung to the Lute and Viols, in two, three, and foure Parts: or by one Voyce to an Instrument. [n.d. c. 1613.]

The Description of a Maske: Presented in the Banqueting roome at Whitehall, on Saint Stephens night last, At the Mariage of the Right Honourable the Earle of Somerset: And the right noble the Lady Frances Howard. Whereunto are annexed divers choice Ayres composed for this Maske that may be sung with a single voyce to the Lute or Base-Viall. 1614.

The Third and Fourth Booke of Ayres. So as they may be expressed by one Voyce, with a Violl, Lute, or Orpharion. [n.d. c. 1617.]

A New Way of Making Fowre parts in Counter-point by a most familiar and infallible Rule. Secondly, a necessary discourse of Keyes, and their proper closes. Thirdly, the allowed passages of all Concords perfect, or imperfect, are declared. Also by way of Preface, the nature of the Scale is expressed, with a briefe Method teaching to Sing. [n.d. c 1617.]

Tho. Campiani Epigrammatum libri II. Umbra. Elegiarum liber unus. Excudebat E. Griffin. 1619.

Bullen, A. H. (ed.). The works of Dr. Thomas Campion. 1889.

—— (ed.). Songs and Masques with Observations in the Art of English Poesy. 1903.

Reyher, Paul. Les Masques Anglais. Paris, 1909.

Rhys, Ernest (ed.). Lyric Poems. (Lyric Poets Series.) n.d.

Vivian, Percival (ed.). Poetical Works (in English) of Thomas Campion. 1907.

—— (ed.). Complete Works of Thomas Campion. Oxford. [In preparation.]

See, also, Egerton MS. 2599 (British Museum), being the Account book of Augustine Steward.